What can I do with the Canon Digital Camera software? (EOS 90D)



      Software is supplied for manipulating the recorded images your camera.
      The software structure shown below, enables various operations with a computer.
      * An Internet connection is required to download and install the software. Download and installation are not possible in environments with no Internet connection.

      EOS UtilityUsing EOS Utility (EOS software), you can import images from the camera, control the camera, and perform other operations.
      Digital Photo ProfessionalThis software is recommended for users who shoot RAW images. You can view, edit, and print RAW and JPEG images.
      * Certain functions differ between the version to be installed on a 64-bit computer and that to be installed on a 32-bit computer.
      Picture Style EditorYou can edit Picture Styles, and create and save original Picture Style files. This software is aimed at advanced users who are experienced in image processing.
      Image Transfer Utility 2With the software Image Transfer Utility 2, you can send images on the camera to a computer automatically.

      About Software Versions
      • Please use EOS Utility version 3.10.30 or later.
      • Please use Digital Photo Professional version 4.10.50 or later.
      Previous versions of DPP Ver.4.x cannot process RAW images taken with this camera. If a previous version of DPP Ver.4.x is installed on your computer, obtain and install the latest version of DPP from the Canon Web site to update it. (The previous version will be overwritten.) Note that DPP Ver.3.x or earlier cannot process RAW images taken with this camera.

      Please refer to the software instruction manuals for more information on how to use the individual software applications.