How to Uninstall the Software (MF5630/MF5650)



      Before you remove the drivers, make sure the following:
      - You have the installation software available for installation.
      - No application is running on your computer.
      Uninstallation in Windows 2000/XP needs to be done by a user with administrator privileges.

      Removing the MF Toolbox
      1. Quit the MF Toolbox and any applications (including virus checkers) that are currently running.
      To close the MF Toolbox, click [X] at the top right of the MF Toolbox window.
      2. Click [start] on the Windows task bar, then [(All) Programs], [Canon], [MF Toolbox 4.7], and [Uninstall Toolbox].
      3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
      When the Repair or Remove program selection screen is displayed, check [Remove] and click [Next].
      If asked to confirm removal of an application etc., click [OK].
      Restart your computer if asked to do so.

      Removing the MF Drivers
      1. Click [start] on the Windows task bar, then [(All) Programs], [Canon], [MF Drivers], and [Uninstall Drivers].
      The [MF Drivers Uninstaller] dialog box appears.
      2. Select the corresponding printer, and click [Perform].

      The confirmation message dialog box appears.

      3. Click [Yes].
      In Windows 98/Me/2000, the dialog box asking you to restart your computer to complete the uninstallation process appears. Make sure [Yes, I want to restart my computer now.] is selected, then click [Finish].
      The uninstallation is complete.