Verified Recorders (EOS C500/C500PL)



      This camera requires a separate recorder for recording 4K RAW data as well as when recording in multiple shooting modes*1.
      *1: For more information on supported shooting modes, please refer to C500/C500PL Supported Shooting Modes located below.

      Currently, basic operations*2 have been verified for the recorders below. (September, 2014)
      *2: Recording video to recording media, or importing video from recording media.

      Third-party RecordersSystem used for video retrieval tests
      ManufacturerModelFirmware VersionWindows 7Mac OS X
      Codex DigitalOnboard S2013.r1.2111TestingOperation confirmed
      (Ver. 2013.r1.2510)
      (Mac OS X 10.9.2)
      Convergent DesignOdyssey7Q2.11.110Operation confirmed
      (Application software Clip merger 3.0)
      (Windows7 SP1)
      Operation confirmed
      (Application software Clip merger 3.0)
      (Mac OS X 10.9.2)
      AstrodesignHR-75101.61TestingOperation confirmed
      (Mac OS X 10.7.5)
      Keisoku GikenUDR-N50A-TestingTesting
      AJA Video SystemsKiPro Quad-TestingTesting

      Note: Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
      Note: Mac is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
      • This information does not guarantee all recorder operations.
      • Although the above recorders have been verified, some shooting modes may not be supported. (For more information, refer to C500/C500PL Supported Shooting Modes located below.)
      • For details about the preceding recorders, or other recorders, contact the recorder manufacturers.

      C500/C500PL Supported Shooting Modes
      <Codex Digital Onboard S>
      Comfirmed in C500(Firmware Version RAW Development Version 1.2.0).

      Frame rate
      C500/C500PL4K4096 x 2160Bayer RAW10 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      3840 x 2160Bayer RAW10 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      4096 x 1080Bayer HRAW10 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      3840 x 1080Bayer HRAW10 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      4096 x 1080Bayer 4K1K RAW10 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      2K2048 x 1080RGB44412 BitYESYESYESYESNONONO
      1920 x 1080RGB44412 BitYESYESYESYESNONONO
      2048 x 1080RGB44410 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      1920 x 1080RGB44410 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      2048 x 1080YCC42210 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      1920 x 1080YCC42210 BitNONONONOYESYESYES

      <Astrodesign HR-7510>
      Comfirmed in C500(Firmware Version RAW Development Version 1.2.0).

      Frame rate
      C500/C500PL4K4096 x 2160Bayer RAW10 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      3840 x 2160Bayer RAW10 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      4096 x 1080Bayer HRAW10 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      3840 x 1080Bayer HRAW10 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      4096 x 1080Bayer 4K1K RAW10 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      2K2048 x 1080RGB44412 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      1920 x 1080RGB44412 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      2048 x 1080RGB44410 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      1920 x 1080RGB44410 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      2048 x 1080YCC42210 BitNONONONOYESYESYES
      1920 x 1080YCC42210 BitNONONONOYESYESYES

      <Convergent Design Odyssey7Q>
      Comfirmed in C500(Firmware Version RAW Development Version 1.3).

      ResolutionSignalBit LengthFrame rate
      C500/C500PL4K4096 x 2160Bayer RAW10 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      3840 x 2160Bayer RAW10 BitYESYESYESYESYESYESNO
      4096 x 1080Bayer HRAW10 BitNONONONONONONO
      3840 x 1080Bayer HRAW10 BitNONONONONONONO
      4096 x 1080Bayer 4K1K RAW10 BitNONONONONONONO
      2K2048 x 1080RGB44412 BitYESYESYESYESNONONO
      1920 x 1080RGB44412 BitYESYESYESYESNONONO
      2048 x 1080RGB44410 BitYESYESYESYESNONONO
      1920 x 1080RGB44410 BitYESYESYESYESNONONO
      2048 x 1080YCC42210 BitNONONONONONONO
      1920 x 1080YCC42210 BitNONONONONONONO
      *All product names and company names listed are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.